Ecologies of Liberation Lab


Ecologies of Liberation Lab Mission

Research Interests


In our work we draw from ecological models to focus on the places, spaces, settings, and structures that maintain oppression and/or facilitate liberation. This ecological emphasis pushes beyond a sole focus on individuals to instead understand individuals in relation to their larger ecological contexts, and the dynamic interplay between individuals and their ecologies.

We are interested in how ecologies shape processes of oppression and liberation. We draw from community psychology and other liberation psychologies to consider liberation as a process of resisting oppression grounded in an analysis and transformation of social conditions. Taken together, we want to better understand how to create spaces and settings that catalyze liberation and resist oppression in the service of promoting wellbeing and social change. Our work also is intersectional in how we understand individuals, their multiple social group memberships, and their larger social ecologies.

We have two new lines of research:    

In other ongoing work, we examine:

See Research to learn more about our ongoing and future work

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